Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Post About Romans 13:-8-10

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not … Read more

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Post About The Spirit And Wisdom

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: If Holy Spirit/Ghost be the same as “wisdom”, why are they explicitly differentiated? “Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over … Read more

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Bad Explanation Of Kindling Fire On The Sabbath

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: This post is just too blunt and truthful. In Jesus’s name, and his alone, be saved and blessed. Amen. As the temperature dips way below freezing yesterday, I was particularly happy I do not observe the Sabbath! … Read more

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Is A Hypocrite!

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: “You’ve a choice..Law, thereby, making you lawless, or a Holy Spirit filled and covered man/woman by the blood of Christ. Your call(.)” Once again, Nathan creates a false dichotomy, as if a Holy Spirit filled person can’t … Read more

Nathan Roberts Of FlatEarthDoctrine Comments About Wearing Tzitzit

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: Which is most profitable, walking with tzit-tzit tassels or walking in the Holy Spirit? “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And … Read more

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine 

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: When the 2 greatest commandments are upheld, only possible through the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:13-26), then which of the Law and prophets, that hinge on the 2 Commandments, are not, by default and inherently, … Read more

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Denounces Torah Followers As Heretical

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: Nathan Roberts loves calling people who obey YHUH’s commands, Torah Terrorists. Ugh! David Hunt commented: Jesus is a Torah Terrorist if you want to be inclusive. He preached the Law and He died to fulfill the Entire … Read more

Nathan Roberts FlatEarthDoctrine False Teaching On 1 John 5:7

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: 1 John 5:7 – “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” I’m not able to comment on Nathan Roberts FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page, … Read more

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Mocks Yahuah’s Torah

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching on Facebook.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts posted this video called “Torah, Torah, Torah…” on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: Wow!  Now Nathan Roberts is mocking the Torah of YHUH! Flat earther Rob Skiba wrote an article in response to Nathan Roberts’ FlatEarthDoctrine video, called ‘Torah, Torah, Torah – … Read more

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine Says That Jesus Commandments Trump His Fathers

Nathan Roberts of FlatEarthDoctrine posted the following false teaching on Facebook.   Flat earther Nathan Roberts proclaimed on his FlatEarthDoctrine Facebook page: “They trump all?”  By that he can only mean that they trump our Heavenly Father’s commandments.  Seriously? Messiah said his two commandments are based on the Torah and the Prophets, who were from His Father. … Read more