The Scriptural Holy Feast Days Were Hidden

This Revelation 18:4 – Come Out Of Her study from David Nikao reveals how the Father’s Holy Feast Days were hidden by the Roman Church.

The Holy Feast Days declare the full Gospel story and how the Messiah is fulfilling them to redeem His bride, and they clearly give His followers the context of His return.

Of course, Satan doesn’t want you to know this, so he used the Roman Church to hide them, and replace them with Easter and Christmas. And he caused Emperor Constantine to forbid the followers of the Messiah from observing them anymore.

Let’s look at how our Messiah is still fulfilling the Holy Feast Days, so that we can see why His followers should still celebrate them, and how they foretell the proper context of Messiah’s return.

The Father gave the Holy Feast Days to teach His followers about His character and to help us understand His plan of salvation.

The word “Feast” is translated from the Hebrew word “moed”, which means appointment.

Here are the four Spring Feasts that our Messiah has fulfilled:

The Feast of Passover pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb whose blood was shed for our sins.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread pointed to the Messiah’s sinless life (as leaven is a picture of sin in the Bible).

The Feast of First Fruits pointed to the Messiah’s resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. (1 Cor. 15:20-23)

The Feast of Pentecost represented Him pouring out His Father’s Spirit on the disciples.

Below are the fall Feast Days which are yet to be fulfilled by our Messiah:

The Feast of Trumpets represents His return for His bride, where trumpets are blown and the elect are caught up with Messiah.

The Feast of Atonement occurs ten days after the Feast of Trumpets, when Mesiah will judge His Church.

The Feast of Tabernacles occurs fifteen days after the Feast of Trumpets, when we celebrate the wedding feast.

Many Christians proclaim that the Holy Feast Days of the Torah were nailed to the cross, so we don’t have to observe them, but that is impossible, because the Feasts of First Fruits and Pentecost were fulfilled after Jesus death on the cross. And there are still three to be fulfilled.

Messiah said “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” Matthew 15:17

The written record of your transgressions, which testify against you and condemn you to death, was nailed to the cross by the Passover Lamb.

Praise our Messiah that He is fulfilling the appointed feasts in exacting detail.

Knowing that He is exact in His fulfillment of prophecy, and knowing that the Feast of Trumpets represents His return for His bride, we know the context of His return.

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed
1 Corinthians 15:51-52

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Can you now see how the Bible is declaring that our Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets?

We don’t know the year, but we know when the Feast of Trumpets occurs every year. In 2015, it is during the second week of September. Some scholars say it’s on the 12th, some on the 14th.

Should we not setup aside some time during the Feast of Trumpets to worship our Messiah, and thank Him for the promise of that day when He returns for us?

The Early Church continued to observe the Holy Feasts, so Satan caused Emperor Constantine to ban them.

To make the switch from observing God’s Holy Feast Days to pagan-based holidays, Constantine issued this creed for Christians who would partner with Rome. Keep in mind that during the previous centuries the followers of Christ had endured relentless persecution from Rome, and now they are being exalted to positions of power and treated well, so they are susceptible to compromise.

In 366 A.D. at the Council of Laodicea, the Sabbath was abolished and replaced with Sunday worship. The bishop of Rome authoritatively confers the name of Lord’s day upon Sunday.

Canon 29 – Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day honoring rather the Lord’s day by resting, if possible, as Christians. However if any shall be found judaizing, let them be anathema for Christ (Mansi, II, pp. 569-570, see also Hefele Councils, Vol. 2, b. 6)

Constantine declared:

I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts and new moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances and synagogues.

Absolutely everything Jewish, every Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable.

And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.” (Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105)

Furthermore, any follower of the “Jewish Messiah” who wished to join this “holy community” was compelled to adopt a different set of rules and customs. Subsequently special creeds were drafted, to which the Christian would have to swear such as:

I accept all customs, rites, legalism, and feasts of the Romans, sacrifices. Prayers, purifications with water, sanctifications by Pontificus Maximus (high priests of Rome), propitiations, and feasts, and the New Sabbath “Sol dei” (day of the Sun, ), all new chants and observances, and all the foods and drinks of the Romans. In other words, I absolutely accept everything Roman, every new law, rite and custom, of Rome, and the New Roman Religion.”

During the 4th century many Christians accepted these terms from Constantine and compromised their faith, fulfilling the “falling away” that Paul warned about in 2 Thessalonians 2.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia says, Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Hodesh), both periodically recurring in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 410

The Encyclopedia Biblica says, The Hebrew month is a lunar month and the quarter of this period—one phase of the moon—appears to have determined the week of seven days. Encyclopedia Biblica, p. 4780

During our Messiah’s ministry, He sought to convey to the Jews that He was the promised Messiah who would fulfill the Holy Feast Days.

At the end of the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Temple was gloriously illuminated with many candles.

And He said to them, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

The seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles became known as Hoshana Rabba, “the Great Day.” The ceremony was to thank God for His bounty and to ask Him to provide rain for the crops in the coming year.

And He said to them, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37-38).

The Holy Feast Days of the Father are a covenant with His redeemed people.

If you don’t observe them, you are out of covenant with Him. The Israelites practiced them, in looking forward to their fulfillment by the Messiah. We too should observe them and celebrate them, for in their fulfillment our redemption is secured!

Observing the Holy Feast Days does not mean that we need to fulfill the ceremonial law, and sacrifice a lamb on Passover for example. And we should not look to Jewish traditions in celebrating the Feast Days, as they added many rules to them.

Here is a simple list of things to do on the Holy Feast Days:

The Feast of Passover pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb whose blood was shed for our sins. One can read Isaiah 53 to see how Messiah fulfilled this prophecy about Him atoning for our transgressions. One can read the Gospel passages which tell of His sacrificial death for us. And we should follow His command to observe communion in remembrance of His atoning sacrifice for our sins.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread pointed to the Messiah’s sinless life (as leaven is a picture of sin in the Bible). This is a High Sabbath, so we should not work on this day. We can praise Him for becoming flesh and living a sinless life; for being the second Adam, who was without sin, so that by His sacrifice we are declared righteous and can have a covenant relationship with the Father.

The Feast of First Fruits pointed to the Messiah’s resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. (1 Cor. 15:20). We can read the Gospel passages about His resurrection, His showing Himself to witnesses, and His ascension; as it points to our future resurrection to be with Him forever.

The Feast of Pentecost represented God pouring out His Holy Spirit on the disciples. We can read in Acts how the Spirit was poured out on the disciples, and how the Gospel was preached, causing 3,000 Jews to believe in the Messiah on that day. We can give thanks for the Spirit of Truth, our Advocate, who guides us in prayer and in truth.

Below are the fall Feast Days which are yet to be fulfilled by our Messiah:

The Feast of Trumpets represents His return for His bride, where trumpets are blown and the elect are taken up. We should praise Him as we eagerly await His return for us.

The Feast of Atonement occurs ten days after the Feast of Trumpets, when Christ will judge His Church. This is a High Sabbath, so we should not work on this day. We should earnestly repent of our sins, the sins of our country and the sins of the church. We should be in sorrow at how the enemy has deceived men and pray for their salvation.

The Feast of Tabernacles occurs fifteen days after the Feast of Trumpets, when we celebrate the wedding feast. We should praise Him that we are His bride, and we long to be married to Him and be with Him forever.

David Nikao Wilcoxson

Additional Study:

Next Study: The Scriptural Calendar Was Replaced

47 thoughts on “The Scriptural Holy Feast Days Were Hidden”

  1. Respectfully, it’s not by the new moon, that was Adonis the hidden one. When the moon was born again. Remember Yahweh said “Deuteronomy 4:19 “And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.”

    Because the people were to take those people out and stone them to death.

    It’s by the sun and the spring equinox, by the Angel Uriel to Enoch.

    Remember the sign of Revelation 12: 1, the moon is under her feet.

    Please watch this video. Wlc is wrong.

    What is the true biblical calender?

    • Genesis 1:14-16 says that the seasons, days and years, are based on the two great luminaries, the sun and the moon.

      “And God saith, `Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to make a separation between the day and the night, then they have been for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years, and they have been for luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth:’ and it is so. And God maketh the two great luminaries, the great luminary for the rule of the day, and the small luminary–and the stars–for the rule of the night.”

      Pagan traditions from Babylon and Greece don’t change the true ways of Yah. They seek to pervert them, to hide the truth.

      I don’t trust the book of Enoch, as it was written around the second century BC, obviously not by the esteemed man Enoch. They used his name to seek to give it credibility.

      I’ll watch the video when I get a chance.

    • No, the calendar wasn’t lost, and there is no command to teach it or preach it. Don’t follow christians who use a correct name like YAHUAH, who don’t know Hebrew idioms customs, or language. There is a verse that speaks to those who seek to change HIS moedym. Hanok/Enoch are very influenced by Catholic doctrine. We don’t have more than a couple verses from the dead sea scrolls. Use Torah, Mashiach taught Torah, even said when the Sadok, and Pharasees teach Torah, “sit in the seat of Mosheh” those things you, hear and do. Torah, Torah Torah. Return to your first love, the guidelines instructions and laws of the Creator, the ancient path. Messiah walked, talked and did all His FATHER told him. WLC makes nice videos but teach christian convert prideful “we are the true chosen” we figured out what those israelis don’t know, type stuff. Trust no man, pray and study to show yourself approved. BTW Yahweh is spelled YWH, and is a Babylonian false deity, it’s in the Jerusalem museum, along with it’s origins. My brother lives there. The west can’t quite fully come out of Rome.

    • I do the work for people like you Melissa, who search for truth and have eyes to see! Indeed, it is a beautiful story of redemption!

  2. Can you share about Messiah’s birth on the 1st day of the feast of Tabernacles. All my 50 years as His follower, I was told this feast will be fulfilled when Messiah returns. Has It not been fulfilled when He was born? And that Yom Teruah is what will be fulfilled at Messiah’s return?
    Bless you for your great gift and knowledge of the truth, to share it with those who have ears to hear.
    Coram Deo, Craig

    • Craig, I believe that the seven Holy Convocations point to many different fulfillments. I think that Messiah was born on the Feast of Tabernacles as the Word says that He came to dwell (tabernacle) among us.

      John 1:14 says “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

      The Greek word for dwelt is 4637 skenoo which means; to tent or encamp, i.e. (figuratively) to occupy (as a mansion) or (specially), to reside (as God did in the Tabernacle of old, a symbol of protection and communion):— dwell.

      I believe that Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets, make judgment on the Day of Atonement and marry His bride on the Feast of Tabernacles.

      So we see the story come full circle as He was born on the Feast of Tabernacles and He marries His bride on the same holy convocation.

      Coram Deo, David


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