The Scriptural Holy Feast Days Were Hidden

This Revelation 18:4 – Come Out Of Her study from David Nikao reveals how the Father’s Holy Feast Days were hidden by the Roman Church.

The Holy Feast Days declare the full Gospel story and how the Messiah is fulfilling them to redeem His bride, and they clearly give His followers the context of His return.

Of course, Satan doesn’t want you to know this, so he used the Roman Church to hide them, and replace them with Easter and Christmas. And he caused Emperor Constantine to forbid the followers of the Messiah from observing them anymore.

Let’s look at how our Messiah is still fulfilling the Holy Feast Days, so that we can see why His followers should still celebrate them, and how they foretell the proper context of Messiah’s return.

The Father gave the Holy Feast Days to teach His followers about His character and to help us understand His plan of salvation.

The word “Feast” is translated from the Hebrew word “moed”, which means appointment.

Here are the four Spring Feasts that our Messiah has fulfilled:

The Feast of Passover pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb whose blood was shed for our sins.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread pointed to the Messiah’s sinless life (as leaven is a picture of sin in the Bible).

The Feast of First Fruits pointed to the Messiah’s resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. (1 Cor. 15:20-23)

The Feast of Pentecost represented Him pouring out His Father’s Spirit on the disciples.

Below are the fall Feast Days which are yet to be fulfilled by our Messiah:

The Feast of Trumpets represents His return for His bride, where trumpets are blown and the elect are caught up with Messiah.

The Feast of Atonement occurs ten days after the Feast of Trumpets, when Mesiah will judge His Church.

The Feast of Tabernacles occurs fifteen days after the Feast of Trumpets, when we celebrate the wedding feast.

Many Christians proclaim that the Holy Feast Days of the Torah were nailed to the cross, so we don’t have to observe them, but that is impossible, because the Feasts of First Fruits and Pentecost were fulfilled after Jesus death on the cross. And there are still three to be fulfilled.

Messiah said “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” Matthew 15:17

The written record of your transgressions, which testify against you and condemn you to death, was nailed to the cross by the Passover Lamb.

Praise our Messiah that He is fulfilling the appointed feasts in exacting detail.

Knowing that He is exact in His fulfillment of prophecy, and knowing that the Feast of Trumpets represents His return for His bride, we know the context of His return.

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed
1 Corinthians 15:51-52

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Can you now see how the Bible is declaring that our Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets?

We don’t know the year, but we know when the Feast of Trumpets occurs every year. In 2015, it is during the second week of September. Some scholars say it’s on the 12th, some on the 14th.

Should we not setup aside some time during the Feast of Trumpets to worship our Messiah, and thank Him for the promise of that day when He returns for us?

The Early Church continued to observe the Holy Feasts, so Satan caused Emperor Constantine to ban them.

To make the switch from observing God’s Holy Feast Days to pagan-based holidays, Constantine issued this creed for Christians who would partner with Rome. Keep in mind that during the previous centuries the followers of Christ had endured relentless persecution from Rome, and now they are being exalted to positions of power and treated well, so they are susceptible to compromise.

In 366 A.D. at the Council of Laodicea, the Sabbath was abolished and replaced with Sunday worship. The bishop of Rome authoritatively confers the name of Lord’s day upon Sunday.

Canon 29 – Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day honoring rather the Lord’s day by resting, if possible, as Christians. However if any shall be found judaizing, let them be anathema for Christ (Mansi, II, pp. 569-570, see also Hefele Councils, Vol. 2, b. 6)

Constantine declared:

I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts and new moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances and synagogues.

Absolutely everything Jewish, every Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable.

And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.” (Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105)

Furthermore, any follower of the “Jewish Messiah” who wished to join this “holy community” was compelled to adopt a different set of rules and customs. Subsequently special creeds were drafted, to which the Christian would have to swear such as:

I accept all customs, rites, legalism, and feasts of the Romans, sacrifices. Prayers, purifications with water, sanctifications by Pontificus Maximus (high priests of Rome), propitiations, and feasts, and the New Sabbath “Sol dei” (day of the Sun, ), all new chants and observances, and all the foods and drinks of the Romans. In other words, I absolutely accept everything Roman, every new law, rite and custom, of Rome, and the New Roman Religion.”

During the 4th century many Christians accepted these terms from Constantine and compromised their faith, fulfilling the “falling away” that Paul warned about in 2 Thessalonians 2.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia says, Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Hodesh), both periodically recurring in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 410

The Encyclopedia Biblica says, The Hebrew month is a lunar month and the quarter of this period—one phase of the moon—appears to have determined the week of seven days. Encyclopedia Biblica, p. 4780

During our Messiah’s ministry, He sought to convey to the Jews that He was the promised Messiah who would fulfill the Holy Feast Days.

At the end of the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Temple was gloriously illuminated with many candles.

And He said to them, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12).

The seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles became known as Hoshana Rabba, “the Great Day.” The ceremony was to thank God for His bounty and to ask Him to provide rain for the crops in the coming year.

And He said to them, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37-38).

The Holy Feast Days of the Father are a covenant with His redeemed people.

If you don’t observe them, you are out of covenant with Him. The Israelites practiced them, in looking forward to their fulfillment by the Messiah. We too should observe them and celebrate them, for in their fulfillment our redemption is secured!

Observing the Holy Feast Days does not mean that we need to fulfill the ceremonial law, and sacrifice a lamb on Passover for example. And we should not look to Jewish traditions in celebrating the Feast Days, as they added many rules to them.

Here is a simple list of things to do on the Holy Feast Days:

The Feast of Passover pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb whose blood was shed for our sins. One can read Isaiah 53 to see how Messiah fulfilled this prophecy about Him atoning for our transgressions. One can read the Gospel passages which tell of His sacrificial death for us. And we should follow His command to observe communion in remembrance of His atoning sacrifice for our sins.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread pointed to the Messiah’s sinless life (as leaven is a picture of sin in the Bible). This is a High Sabbath, so we should not work on this day. We can praise Him for becoming flesh and living a sinless life; for being the second Adam, who was without sin, so that by His sacrifice we are declared righteous and can have a covenant relationship with the Father.

The Feast of First Fruits pointed to the Messiah’s resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. (1 Cor. 15:20). We can read the Gospel passages about His resurrection, His showing Himself to witnesses, and His ascension; as it points to our future resurrection to be with Him forever.

The Feast of Pentecost represented God pouring out His Holy Spirit on the disciples. We can read in Acts how the Spirit was poured out on the disciples, and how the Gospel was preached, causing 3,000 Jews to believe in the Messiah on that day. We can give thanks for the Spirit of Truth, our Advocate, who guides us in prayer and in truth.

Below are the fall Feast Days which are yet to be fulfilled by our Messiah:

The Feast of Trumpets represents His return for His bride, where trumpets are blown and the elect are taken up. We should praise Him as we eagerly await His return for us.

The Feast of Atonement occurs ten days after the Feast of Trumpets, when Christ will judge His Church. This is a High Sabbath, so we should not work on this day. We should earnestly repent of our sins, the sins of our country and the sins of the church. We should be in sorrow at how the enemy has deceived men and pray for their salvation.

The Feast of Tabernacles occurs fifteen days after the Feast of Trumpets, when we celebrate the wedding feast. We should praise Him that we are His bride, and we long to be married to Him and be with Him forever.

David Nikao Wilcoxson

Additional Study:

Next Study: The Scriptural Calendar Was Replaced

47 thoughts on “The Scriptural Holy Feast Days Were Hidden”

  1. David,

    This is interesting stuff. However, do you honestly think all Christians who don’t observe these feasts are out of covenant? I would have to believe that would be 99% of self-proclaimed Christians you are saying are out of covenant. Furthermore, your suggestions of how to observe the days are just that, your suggestions. There is no standard proper way to observe these days if you choose to do so, and therefore how can it be a requirement?

    I totally agree that it makes more sense to observe these than Christmas or Easter if you are going to observe anything, and I would love to see them taught more and Christians as a whole embrace them, but Paul goes to great lengths in the New Testament to explain that these are a shadow of the substance which is Christ (Colossians 2 calls out the feast days specifically). We are saved by faith, not by works. We are children of the Promise, not the law. We will always fall short of the law, but Jesus has fulfilled it. Just read all of Galatians 5, and tell me how you can come to any other conclusion. I have to say I feel the same way about the Sabbath. Hebrews 9 – Jesus is our Sabbath rest. I just don’t think we can Biblically require people to observe the ceremonial aspects of the law anymore.

    Again, good for you if you want to observe the feast days and the Sabbaths. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing so in your own way, but to say other Christians are out of covenant for not observing them is a bold statement. I would be very interested to know the New Testament scriptures you are using to support your position. I believe there is a mountain of scripture to support my position and the passages I’ve referenced are just a few of the main ones.

    • Luke, Messiah commanded His saints to come out of Babylon, and that means to come out of teachings that are not Scriptural, but originate from the harlot church of Rome.

      Yes, those are only my suggestions on how to observe the feast days, take them for what they are worth.

      The Apostle Paul said that the feast days are “a shadow of things to come”, which tells you that they have not been left behind in the past.

      Paul said “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a feast day or a new moon or a sabbath day” He was proclaiming that the saints should not let people judge them for following the feast days and Sabbath day.

      I’m simply proclaiming Scriptural truths and pointing out the false teachings of Rome.

      The Father proclaimed that His Sabbath and His Feast Days are an everlasting covenant with His people. So if people don’t observe them, are they not out of covenant with Him?

      I’m not proclaiming that they won’t be saved, but I would ask why a true follower of Messiah would not observe them; as they represent Him fulfilling them to redeem His set-apart saints? They represent His sacrifice on the cross for our sins. They represent His rising again. They represent Him sending the Spirit to teach us. They represent His return for His saints. They represent His marriage to His bride.

  2. Hi David,

    If I don’t observe the feasts and that makes me out of covenant, then salvation is not a free gift received by grace through faith. The Geneva Study Bible commentary you recommend says that we are not bound. It seems Paul was proclaiming “let no man judge you in meat or drink…” for NOT observing certain feasts. That would make more sense since observing the feasts were the Jewish tradition. Same as with circumcision. Paul did not want to bind the Gentiles with the laws the Jews had a hard time keeping. Just some thoughts.

    • Hi Laura, thank you for your comment. The Holy Feast Days are divine appointments, which Elohim had the Israelites practice; but which ultimately point to Messiah, who is fulfilling them to redeem His set-apart people.

      Observing the feast days is not about earning your salvation, but as a follower of Messiah, why would you not observe the feast days?

      Do you not revere the day that Messiah died for your sins? He did that on the Feast of Passover.

      Do you not celebrate that He rose again? He did that on the Feast of First Fruits!

      Do you not cherish the day that He will return for us? He will do that on the fall Feast of Trumpets.

      Do you not love that Messiah will marry His bride some day? he will do that on the fall Feast of Tabernacles.

      Paul said “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a feast day or a new moon or a sabbath day” He was proclaiming that the saints should not let people judge them for following the feast days and Sabbath day; because no doubt the Jews were judging them for not observing them as the Jews observe them, as they have many unscriptural rules.

      I choose to celebrate Scriptural Holy Feast days, instead of pagan-based Easter and Christmas. 🙂

  3. Hello,
    I am most interested in keeping a contact point, in order to celebrate the feast days on the correct dates. 2018
    Might you have a place of access/ contact in order to keep up with these dates, please?
    Kind regards.
    Blessings through the Messiah.

      • Troy Miller does very good work. His 7th day Sabbath feast dates are 100% accurate. The only think I disagree with Troy on is his date of the feast of Pentecost. I believe the book of Jubilees to be a faithful witness, which tells us the feast of Pentecost is on the 16th day of the 3rd month. The same day YHWY gave the law orally to the Israelites and Moses and they verbally agreed to YHWYs ways. 40 days later, Moses received the 2 tablets on the mountain top.

        • The instructions seem pretty straight-forward, count seven sabbaths, and then count 50 days. That puts you in summer when the crops would be ripe.

          What passage(s) in Jubilees are you referring to?

  4. Greetings,
    I would like to ask if you will be publishing the true feast day dates for this year, 2018?
    I am most interested in keeping the remainder of the upcoming feast days- during the correctly appointed times.
    Kind regards

      • To those who truly love God with all their heart, soul and mind, please study at the nearest Church of God. Almost everything David has researched is true and can be proven by the Bible and evidence in history books.
        Now David, I say (almost) because mankind cannot know everything,(1Co 2:6-15)(Eph 1:7-10). This why God is mysterious and this is why God has to come a second time,(Heb 9:28), in human form. (Jn 5:39) You can study, research, but will always thirst until you come to Elohim God.
        Thank you so much for this site. It will help explain to family with out having to look up every where else. God Bless You. I hope you receive salvation soon.

        • Thank you for your comment Selena! I’m blessed to know that the studies have helped you, though I’m a bit confused by you saying “I hope you receive salvation soon.”

  5. Hello, just wanted to add my two cents regarding Sabbath and feasts.

    Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. It was a shadow of a) rest in Christ from the works of the law and b) that day of eternal rest still to come; still to come because as disciples of Christ we have work to do!

    Show me your works by your faith and I will show you my faith by my works. Faith without works is dead and vice versa.

    Straightforward really. Works of law vs works of faith. What are works of faith? Keeping feasts? Nay. Preaching the gospel. Dying daily. Prayer and fasting. These are works of faith.

    Caveat: Why would Christians NOT keep the feasts as well? Who doesn’t like a feast? Especially after fasting? We should keep the feasts in remembrance, and in fact the first communion was on the beginning of the feast of unleavened bread was it not?

    So no, not observing feasts doesn’t make one ‘out of covenant’ as the new covenant can be summed up with Mark 10 and Mark 12:

    Mark 10:19
    19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear FALSE witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

    Mark 12:29-31
    29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments [is], Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
    30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment.
    31 And the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

    Notice of the 10 commandments Christ only lists 6 in Mark 10, none of which are keeping the Sabbath. Also, in Mark 12 there is no mention of the Sabbath.

    Although it isn’t explained as far as I’m aware, it could be a simple as the fact that the 10 commandments are actually a mix of commandments, statutes, decrees and maybe some promises, treaties and judgements.

    In any case, observing the feast days is not a bad thing, on the contrary it’s a great thing. I don’t believe we can be out of covenant if we are saved by grace and love Yah with all our heart and mind and soul and love our neighbour as ourselves. Even if we miss out on the feast days.

    • EDIT: I do find it odd and a little concerning that so many who would call themselves Christians baulk at the idea of keeping Yah’s feasts yet have no qualms whatsoever about observing a feast to Ēostre/Ostara/Ishtar/Easter (while pretending it’s the same as Passover) not to mention Christmas (birthday of Nimrod/Osiris etc.)

      “It doesn’t matter if the day isn’t the correct one, nobody knows exactly when he was born” they say, “What’s important is we remember His birth” they want to believe.

      While it is important to remember His birth, death and resurrection, they should ask themselves why they’re so adverse and hostile to observing Yah’s feasts and so willing to continue observing the pagan feasts of a KNOWN ANTICHRIST FIGURE AND HIS MOTHER/WIFE!

      • Yeah, I can’t understand why people would not want to celebrate the Father’s Holy Feast days, which Messiah is fulfilling to redeem His set-apart saints.

    • Our Heavenly Father commanded His followers to observe the feast days, which point to His beloved Son. Not doing so means that we’re being disobedient. That affects our relationship.

      It’s like being married to someone, and you’re committed to each other for life. But if you forget your anniversary or your spouse’s birthday, then you affect the relationship. It doesn’t mean that you’re not still married, but not remembering important things in the relationship, affects the relationship.

  6. David,
    I very much agree that we are to celebrate the Feasts and observe the Sabbath as Christians. I believe we are to worship our Lord 7 days a week.
    One thing does bother me however as you refer to Jesus as the second Adam in the description of the Day of Unleavened Bread. “We can praise Him for becoming flesh and living a sinless life; for being the second Adam, who was without sin” Adam was the first to sin so not sure why you put that in there? Just would like to know your thinking.
    Thank you for all your hard work and research. I find it all very valid and thought provoking.

    • Hi Sofie 🙂 Read 1 Corinthians 15 and you see that Messiah is the second Adam. In Adam all die, but in Messiah people are made alive. Keep learning and growing in The Way!

  7. Hi David…I’ve been obeying a Friday sunset to Saturday sunset sabbath…. is this correct or not? I am new believer, and I’ve also just read your revelation timeline & Daniel decoded…. I use a NKJV bible and am trying to learn what is to be obeyed and followed so I am in covenant with my creator…. can you advise please
    Ty, Sue

    • Hi Sue, that’s wonderful that you’re wanting to observe the Sabbath! Many people say that Friday night to Saturday night is the Sabbath, but it’s not true.

      A Scriptural day starts in the morning as the sun illuminates the day. The Scriptural Sabbath is not compatible with the pagan Roman calendar.

      This study gives a basic explanation and there are links on the bottom to websites that give more information.

      Just keep in mind that our Heavenly Father appreciates your heart to have a rest day when you focus on Him more. If Saturday is the only day that you can observe a Sabbath because of your job, then set aside that day and read Scripture, pray, rest from the work things that you normally do, spend time with family and friends, etc.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!


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