Contact David Nikao Wilcoxson

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15 thoughts on “Contact David Nikao Wilcoxson”

  1. Hi David. Just wanted you to know I made a donation of $100 to gofundme, and it just blipped and put me back on the gofundme page. I used Paypal, and I didn’t receive a note, so I guess it didn’t go through. I wonder if you’re losing other donations?
    I’ll try another way. Sincerely, with much gratefulness for what all I’ve learned from you so far! Grace and peace to you! Crystal

    • Hi Crystal, I’m sorry for the problems. I’ve not had anyone else say that they’ve issues. Could it be the device that you’re using is having a problem? You might try it on a different computer. Thank you for thinking of me. Grace, peace and love, David

  2. Thanks David I used to live in East Denver near Gates Tennis. I attended PCA Cherry Hills. I was on CCC in Boulder. I now live in San Diego County and am retired. I was raised RCC. I converted to Luther doctrines in College. I was tutored in CCC by DTS. I discovered Theonomy/Calvinism, who are Preterists. SoCal is solidly Futurist. I recently accidentally discovered Historicism and also read J Riley on church history. I have purchased your decoding e book and am starting to read it to consolidate what I have learned about historicism. My mother was a graduate of Holy Names. My Dad was a graduate of Saint Mary’s . My dad took a couple trips to Majegoria. I very early came out of the RCC but never considered the Papacy being the Beast. Thank you for your work. It is sad through ECT many have been disqualified.

    • Larry, I’ve been a part of Baptist and Calvary Chapel churches, but am not a part of any denomination affiliation at this time, as most teach many things that are contrary to Scripture. What is your denominational background/affiliation?

  3. Hi David, Im HOPING you are still checking these comments as Ive actually made myself to be somewhat of a nuisance on a substack with similar teachings one of your followers is on too..a gal by the name of Louise Twitter (may have her name mis spelled) commented with your links when I asked a question on the 7 year calendar if that is part of Scofield’s nonsese like pre rapture and dispensationism is. Anyway, I listened to all your Olivet Discurse summaries, the 70th week summary and the 3 Tribulation summaries..and a few of the more detailed ones. Not sure if you are familiar with Tudor Alexander..he has amazing teachings as well – you can find him on both youtube and rumble and he has his own substack..”Dance of Life” which is where I saw one of your followers liking Tudor’s content too.

    So..after listening to your stuff I have one QUESTION NOONE seems to be able to answer?! First, tudor does NOT believe Matthew 24 is all “past tense”. You do. Ive listened more than once to your explanations.. So I asked on that site how to ask you..noone was able to provide me a link to your email..I finally found this here so hoping you can answer. I even listened to that 1:1 you had with those two Christian podcasters asking you questions from a “preterist/or futurist or pre rapture/dispesationlists” questions (I none of those) but you still didnt touch my question.

    My question is you bring up alot of scripture that you use “history” to rationalize away as already happening..”coming in clouds = Judgement”; Sun losing its light (leaders falling or coming under judgement); stars falling from sky..judgement to the leaders of that day usually “bad guys” the white/black popes, the catholic jesuits, zionists, even back as far as Pharoah’s coming under judgement. You list out the ENTIRE Matthew even the part I always considered speaking when Jesus returns.. I believe you go all the way through the 7th seal/vial? so if all those terms mean something “carnal” that happened in war and do you believe in Christ returning still if all those terms mean human events? Do not all those terms mean His actual coming back..coming in air with His saints..those still remaining will MEET HIM IN THE AIR…this to me is when Jesus returns? You say you believe He will return as you end alot of your videos..”when He returns”? I know you ref Rev 18 ..but can you elaborate how you differentiate what is “carnal” what IS SPIRITUAL, Super natural to happen..literal trumpet, literal clouds rolling back, Jesus coming in the air with His saints? And Tudor believes alot of very supernatural events DID happen in past where there was a TRUE huge meteor shower so he believes those truths even though they happened he aligns with actual weather related super natural more true to what the scripture is describing?

    • Hi Karen, I’m not familiar with Louise Twitter. I’ve watch some videos from Tudor Alexander. Does he assign most of the prophecies in Revelation to the end times?

      I believe that Matthew 24:1-35 was fulfilled in first century, but that the rest of Matthew 24 and 25 are about Messiah’s return.

      I don’t believe that all of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled. I think that we’re in the sixth vial and there are a few prophecies left to be fulfilled before Messiah returns.

      Revelation uses symbolic language to point to literal events, which is how we can see that most of it has been fulfilled during the last 1,900 years.

      Revelation 18 describes the harlot Roman Catholic Church and her judgment.

      I cover those explanations in detail in the Revelation Timeline Decoded video series.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

  4. THANK YOU so much. My apologies as Im just now seeing you responded. I thought Id get an email when you replied so all this time thought you had not replied. I decided to pull this link back up to check just to be sure and here you DID respond THANK YOU!

    Tudor also believes we are in the 6th seal and he reads similar to you in revelation. I did listen to your Revelation Timeline Decoded video just difficult for me to not see Matt 24:30-31 specifically as being something “carnal” in a past war? These are the kind of words that make it seem if you can carnalize this..what else can you make out as some “natural war” or something?

    God has always gave me this guide..”He thanked the Father for making Truth “simple a child can understand”..when His word has to be “taught in ways you can’t just accept with the discernment of who He is (meaning we do need to KNOW HIM) – Heb 11:6 – but then we apply through Righteousness (meat of the gospel). To me words like “and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven, all the kindreds of earth mourn, coming in the clouds with great power and glory”..hard for me to jump to the sinful secular leaders “losing their stardom” and the trumpet was some “physical” announcement how do you know this happened if you were not there? or anyone for that matter?

    Last question..what do you think about Daniel 12 – “at that time shall Michael stand up, and there shall be a trouble such as never was” this still to come or past?

    Thanks again for replying,,,I am going to go and revisit your video link you sent. I also did buy your book, just havent gotten to it yet. THANK YOU for all your work

    • Hi Karen, it seems that Tudor points to the seals and the trumpets being fulfilled in the past, but not the vial judgments, which is like the SDA Church teaches.

      As for Matthew 24 and the Olivet Discourse, I understand that verses 29-31 seem to point to an end-time event. I explain the meaning of the words and the fulfillment in that generation, in detail in The Olivet Discourse Decoded video series and book. I cover the fulfillment of Daniel 12 in that series as well, as it’s directly related to the Olivet Discourse.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way of Messiah!

      • Thanks David, I asked Tudor about affiliation with the 7th Day Advents and he insists he is not..although he does align on them with the whole Saturday as the sabbath and believes that will have a huge issue of end of times – he doesnt agree with the prophet woman they apparently support..I dont know much about that denomination but Ive seen him talk about it on his site..

        I thought I was done with questions but interested your take on the Sabbath day issue and shall I assume now that you do not see Jesus one day coming in the clouds with a trumpet blast and calling His saints to him left on earth still? Just curious. Thanks for answering.

        • Karen, I wasn’t implying that Tudor was affiliated with the SDA Church, but that his explanations are very similar to their teachings.

          I believe that Messiah will return just like 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

  5. Hi David, I would love your thoughts on this video:
    I would LOVE to hear your point of view on his entire description of Dan/Rev and tell me what you disagree with? I know this is investment in time to listen..I dont expect this over night but when you have time, would be super interesting. You and Tudor Alexandar are my favorite people to listen too on end of times. You two seem to have a different understanding..trying to figure out what exactly it is. Tudor puts it all into this video for the most part so please, it would be super helpful to hear your thoughts? My work email is if you prefer to answer me directly. Thanks.


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